© 2024 Stingray Studio

  • Scientific and educational activities in the respective areas of the European integration, particularly touching economy, law, politics, culture etc.;
  • Integration and coordination of cooperation between universities, scientific and educational institutions and individuals developing EU studies in the Slovak republic;
  • Development and coordination of cooperation between universities, scientific and educational institutions and scientists pertaining eurointegrative activities in abroad as well as with EU institutions;
  • Development support of economic, political and legal preconditions of the Slovak republic entry to the European Union via upholding the interdisciplinary research within these areas;
  • EU integration and globalization knowledge popularization.


ECSA Slovakia has been a non-governmental, non-profit organization funded by grants, membership fees and 2% of tax returns since its establishment.


Choose from the rich course list and try our e-learning. We guide you through the world of financial literacy from the beginning to cryptocurrencies. Do not hesitate to hit us up for more information.

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Join our partners!

  • Institute 4 Academy
  • Inštitút finančného vzdelávania
  • Stredoškolská študentská únia Slovenska
  • Študentská rada vysokých škôl
  • Slovenské národné stredisko pre ľudské práva
  • Výcviková škola pre vodiace a asistenčné psy
  • Univerzita Mateja Bela
  • Fakulta managementu UK
  • Jean Monnet Chair